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Why I Love Melaleuca, Pt. 1

My blog really is for anything that's me--whether that's my faith, things I like to do, things I've learned in life,.... My work is included it that, but before I partnered with Melaleuca, i was a customer. This is the reason why:

I LOVED the idea of shopping at Sprouts, Whole Foods, Vitamin Cottage, or any other store like these that offer great products that don't damage me or the environment. But, face it, sometimes on a tight budget, the products these stores offer carry a bigger price tag than the grocery store counterpart, and I have to watch my pennies.

A girlfriend of mine opened a shopping account with Melaleuca and showed me the price differences. The first one that caught my eye was a $9 difference per 96 loads on laundry detergent. But I found it was also cheaper than the environmentally friendly premium brands and it cleans better. With that big a price difference combined with the great break they get from UPS on shipping. I found it was cheaper than even the discount grocery store brands (less than a dollar a bottle for spray bottle cleaners), and they ship it right to me.

Melaleuca is club shopping like Sam's or Costco, so there is a membership fee. Here is the comparison: Costco is $55-$110. Sam's is $45-$100. Melaleuca is $29 for the first year and $12 to renew every year. This month they are having a special for $1 for the first year.

Club shopping for Sam's and Costco started as a way for big manufacturers to clear out products before they got too close to the expiration date. With Melaleuca it' the opposite. Nothing that comes to my house is older than 3 months. It's all made here in the United States, shipped to Melaleuca, and then directly to me. SO...they need an RSVP. They need to know how much to make of everything...hence their preferred membership.

Preferred customers agree to change $50-$70 of their monthly grocery bill to them (no problem there...I get a ton more for the money), in exchange the preferrred customer gets these things: $100 free product during their first 6 months, loyalty dollars on 15% of their purchases they can spend on any Melaleuca product they want, a 30-40% discount on Melaleuca products, referral fees on people I refer to Melaleuca including a thank you check each month for the continued shopping for people I refer, access to the Marketplace (a virtual mall with over 650 retailers...anything you can imagine: Bass Pro, ToysRUs, Kohls, Best Buy, groceries, horse tack and feed,...I even purchased my kids homeschooling curriculums here. These stores negotiated rebates which they send to Melaleuca. Melaleuca consoladates them and sends them to me each month). So this membership gives me cheaper prices, they give me free stuff, and they send me money. I LOVED just being a customer; I loved their customer program and I still do...from there I just got so excited about it I decided to work with them.

So you can have that Preferred Customer program, or if you don't want to promise you'll do your shopping with them each month, you can be a direct customer. You love the products enough to pay their retail price (which is still competitive), and it's without the perks. It's completely up to the customer.

All I can say is quality, price, convenience...that's why I went this way with our shopping. Are you kidding?? We have boys: 17 and 19 still living at home. Anything I can do to be careful with our dollars is a big deal to me, and this is a big deal.

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